Determining the User's Windows Directory ---------------------------------------- There are several ways of determining the user's Windows directory (no, it is not always "c:\windows"), including UCD and WinAPI function calls. You can easily determine the directory using Authorware's internal RecordsLocation variable. Unless you change the default records location with the JumpFile() or JumpFileReturn() function, the RecordsLocation variable has a value of: {Windows Directory}\A4W_DATA\" So typically, the value of RecordsLocation is: "C:\WINDOWS\A4W_DATA\" To get the Windows directory, enter this code into a calc icon at the top of your flowline prior to changing. (If you change the location where records are to be stored with JumpFile() or JumpFileReturn(), be sure to do so after determing the Windows directory.) WinDir := SubStr(RecordsLocation,1, Find("A4W_DATA", RecordsLocation)-1) (Note: Replace "A4W_DATA" with "A3W_DATA" if using version 3 or 3.5 of Authorware.)